Online community. Connected users taking pictures, posting, chatting, etc

Digital community: 5 tips on how to grow it

Today we hear more and more about digital community. This is nothing more than the evolution of the traditional community with which we relate and feel we belong.

The community mostly develops on social media and companies have already learned to exploit these powerful means to create communities that revolve around their brand or product/service. This reality evolved further during the pandemic, where virtual connections were the only way to stay in touch with loved ones. All this has also had repercussions on companies that have had to rethink the way in which to involve the user through digital channels. But how do you keep a user engaged? It's not easy, but let's see some suggestions together.

1. Promote interactivity

Promoting interactivity is a method for keeping social channels active and engaging your digital community through the use of user generated content.

Launching challenges to your followers by urging them to take part in exchange for a reward or creating a challenge among influencers where the loser will suffer a penance, will entice users to follow the initiative, participate in it and share it again, thus reaching new users.

2. Bringing positive energy

The world of the web and that of social media in particular, are places where people go in search of entertainment and to disconnect from the boring daily routine.

Offering fun and energetic content is certainly a good way to keep the attention threshold high and strengthen the sense of community among users.

3. Empathy with the digital community

To be listened to, you need to offer content that is in line with the needs of your digital community. In fact, posting content of high value but not significant based on the interests of your users, will not bring you the desired result. On the contrary, proposing activities in line with the current situation can be a way to increase user participation. As happened during the lockdown through the different challenges launched and able to reach users from all over the world.

4. Engage and expand the digital community

Proposing events, content, collaborations on hot topics that interest your followers is the best way to make them feel they belong to a big family. And, the stronger the sense of belonging, the more users will re-share your content and your page, allowing your digital community to expand.

5. Collaborate with brands that share the same values

Collaborations between two or more brands can be profitable and lead to numerous benefits for everyone involved. But for these to be successful it is necessary to make reasoned campaigns, that is, they must reflect the values ​​of your brand and, consequently, the interests of your digital community.

For example, it would be unthinkable to create a campaign involving an association that promotes animal rights and a hunting club! The campaign would have no effect and would produce criticism and other negative elements for both.


At this point we can conclude by saying that the only way to maintain a loyal and engaged digital community, perhaps with the aim of expanding it, is to know their users, or their interests, their values ​​and their passions.

Basically we must constantly study the people who make up our community and try to reflect them through our activities on social networks and beyond, in such a way as to become relevant to them.

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