Author's Name: LetzFair

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Computer showing event management software data analysis screen

Event Management Softwares: 6 Ways to Analyze Data Effectively

Event management software, in addition to simplifying the organization of an event, has numerous other advantages but above all the possibility of collecting data on event participants directly within a tool of this type stands out. In an increasingly digital world, collecting and analyzing data has become much easier and is now essential

Event Management Softwares: 6 Ways to Analyze Data Effectively Read more >>

online event platforms

Platforms for online events: let's discover them together!

We always talk about the benefits and features of online event platforms, but what exactly is it? How do these tools work? First of all, event platforms can be a web service, an app or software that allows you to manage every organizational aspect in the case of online or hybrid events, from the virtual location to the stands

Platforms for online events: let's discover them together! Read more >>

event app

Neuroscience in event apps increases engagement

The growth of hybrid and virtual events has brought several changes to our sector, including through channels other than traditional ones, such as event apps, but the main purpose always remains the same: connecting people and ensuring that they share experiences, knowledge and develop profitable and long-lasting relationships. Neuroscience to create experiences

Neuroscience in event apps increases engagement

Event networking

Networking at physical events: 5 tips to improve it

Networking at events is a very important activity for companies and professionals looking to expand their network of contacts and job opportunities. In particular, physical events, such as trade fairs, conferences and conventions, offer the opportunity to meet other professionals in the sector in person and exchange ideas and information. For

Networking at physical events: 5 tips to improve it Read more >>


Event platform: Make the right choice

In the last period the events sector has undergone great changes and the latter have generated and increased the demand for particular services to improve the experience of participants. In case you haven't understood yet, we are talking about event platforms. There are several on the market today and each offers particular solutions and functions. Let's search

Event platform: Make the right choice

Sustainability and events

Sustainability and events: 7 steps to follow

Sustainability and the circular economy are, and will be, the key to all upcoming and future events. The events industry is a driving force for many economies, therefore it is essential to aim for awareness and common commitment to reduce the impact it has on the environment and - why not? – sometimes lead the way in adopting good practices. All the

Sustainability and events: 7 steps to follow

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