
Author's Name: LetzFair

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Pre-event marketing: attract the right exhibitors and sell out all your tickets!

Pre-event marketing: attract sponsors and exhibitors and send your tickets sold out!

An essential part of a successful event are certainly the exhibitors. But how can you attract the right ones? Pre-event Marketing is the solution! Organizing a trade fair event is a complex process made up of many phases. One of these is to identify the exhibitors and speakers who will participate. It is a fundamental phase, especially if

Pre-event marketing: attract sponsors and exhibitors and send your tickets sold out! Read more >>


Burnout in the events sector: what it is and 9 practical tips for managing it

The topic of mental health is becoming increasingly relevant, both on a personal and work level. Stress and the consequent risk of burnout are among the main challenges that today's professionals have to face, especially in the events sector, where it is necessary to manage situations stressors of all kinds: from financial decisions and their

Burnout in the events sector: what it is and 9 practical tips for managing it Read more >>

event sponsor: win win strategy

Event organizers and sponsors: the “win-win” strategy

You know when they say "unity is strength"? Well, the collaboration between the organization of an event and the event sponsors is an example where unity really is strength; it is only necessary to understand the appropriate methods to guarantee the right advantages for both in relation to the event. When organizing an event there are things to take care of

Event organizers and sponsors: the “win-win” strategy

image of a mobile phone showing the interface of a community app

What is a community app: 4 advantages you should know

Community apps are gaining increasing popularity as a tool for connecting people, creating virtual spaces for sharing and collaboration. In this article, we will understand what a community app is and the advantages they can bring to a business strategy, offering a complete overview of the topic. What is a community app? A community app is a mobile application

What is a community app: 4 advantages you should know Read more >>

person in front of a laptop while following a team building activity through an event app

Team building and APPs for events: 4 ideas for your company

Do you want to improve collaboration in your team and company productivity? What you are looking for is an event app. By organizing team building activities you can help promote communication, integration and productivity among employees. By exploiting the potential of this business's activities, you will have benefits that go beyond the four walls

Team building and APPs for events: 4 ideas for your company Read more >>

The image shows 3 people in front of a screen where event management software is projected

Event management softwares: use them to improve the User Experience

To make your event unique and fully involve participants, it is now essential to use new technologies, such as event management software. The latter are the basis of the future of events, which is increasingly moving towards a hybrid dimension. Hybrid events, in particular, offer the opportunity to engage

Event management softwares: use them to improve the User Experience Read more >>

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