
Apps for physical communities, connect your members

Combine the infinite potential of digital with real-life possibilities: build, motivate, involve, expand the Community and make it united.

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Why LetzFair

Value your Community members and provide them with a complete, intuitive and smart tool for sharing opinions and perspectives: let ideas arise online and then transform them into real-life actions, rethink your way of making the Community interact, make live a performing and functional experience, in line with common objectives.

Better manage your Community


Provide your Community with a virtual place to chat, discuss and organize live events and initiatives


The programs of your initiatives and interactive maps of the locations, easy to consult at any time, from any device, always up to date


Geolocation, contact information, tags, activities, etc: take care of the details of your database and manage large quantities of contacts, all with your App for Physical Communities

The features to win your challenges

lead gen

Take care of the community

Find out about your members through in-app surveys, feedback requests, votes, quizzes and engagement activities, enable prizes to reward the most active



Photos, videos, thoughts, comments, memories: let your members share the important moments related to the Community on the bulletin board where everyone can interact


Feeds & Notifications

Use the app as a tool to communicate with your members, send push notifications, emails and reminders to keep them updated on the latest news



Do your members need a calendar to remember meetings, webinars, events? Put the integrated agenda and the sending of automatic reminders at their disposal



Provide to your members a library of on-demand content available to them where and when they want to consult it


Live Hybrids

Some of your members can't physically present? Stream live so everyone can participate or watch it later

Additional Services

Discover the easy-to-use app for Physical Communities, including all the additional services that LetzFair offers you


Highlight your sponsors and partners by inserting their logo in the tool, offer Basic and Premium packages and guarantee visibility and Lead Generation options


Collect data and trace the journey of your members to find out which actions have the best performance and study the winning strategy for the future of your Community

Easy peasy

LetzFair is the All-In-One app: use it to manage your events, inform your members, communicate with them, request feedback and much more, in just a few clicks

They have already chosen us

Find out how to boost your community!

Request the free demo now