Post-event marketing

Post-event marketing: the fuel for the success of your event!

The event that you have organized for months with the utmost commitment has ended, it remains a good memory among the participants but nothing more. If this point of arrival satisfies you, you can stop reading the article and dedicate yourself to something else. Otherwise, if you want to continue to benefit from your event over time, here are some post-event marketing strategies to adopt!

Like petrol, which is essential for the operation of vehicles, post-event marketing is also essential for the success of an event!
The difference is on an economic level: we are witnessing a dramatic increase in fuel prices which leads to the same results. On the contrary, the many post-event marketing strategies you can adopt have relatively low costs and, if well done, lead to more and more profits!

Why is post-event marketing "minimum spend, maximum yield"?

Technology is our friend. If we think of the many tools that allow us to stay in touch with distant people, we realize that they are truly infinite and always evolving. and their prices are zero or very low. Why not make the most of it even in the workplace to keep up profitable relationships ?!

But be careful! It will not be enough for you to contact the attendees of your event to say hello every now and then, you will have to offer them something that can rekindle the enthusiasm of the event and makes it memorable even after a long time. How to do? Here are 5 ideas!

5 ideas to inspire you for your post event marketing

  1. Organize on a regular basis (e.g. 1 or 2 times a month) webinair / virtual workshops / networking meetings of another type even after the event.
    It is preferable that these virtual meetings are short and informal, like aperitifs in which friends talk about a topic of common interest. Build them around themes that are in continuity with those covered during the main event. Even better if these will be held by speakers of the event itself. 
    The themes your event dealt with are many and you don't know which ones to focus on?
    Some digital platforms for events, like that of Letzfair, collect many data collected before, during and after the event on which you can rely to understand for example which stand was visited by the most people or which intervention attracted the most spectators. In this way you will be able to understand which are the themes or subjects that have aroused greater involvement. 
    But don't forget to promote them effectively, for example by sending personalized emails to your visitors and posting posters on social media with all the info you need to participate.
  2. Contact your participants in a personalized way.
    At the end of the event, you could send emails to your visitors to thank them for participating and providing them with an advance of what will be the mini-events that you will organize also following the main event.
    Everyone appreciates feeling unique, so customize the text of the emails by dividing your participants into subgroups, based for example on the topic they are most interested in (this info you will find from the data collected by the digital platform) -. You will be able to insert a brief summary of what they have been able to see or hear about that topic.
    In addition to the participants in your event, you can also consider sending an email to those who have shown themselves interested but then did not participate (perhaps for reasons beyond their control), summarizing the points covered in the event and inviting them to participate in the mini- subsequent events, presenting them briefly.
  3. Public engaging content related to the event.
    Invest in a good camera and a person with artistic skills and record records records! Make sure to capture the most salient moments of your event and the reactions of enthusiasm in your attendees; then edit them in some impressive videos. Set as a background music consistent with the emotion you want to convey and perhaps the voice of one of your speakers who tells in short sentences what happened in your event that was memorable.
    These videos will be some of the content you can post on the event platform and your social channels. But you can also create and publish other types of content such as interesting infographics or podcast content in which you interview the speakers of the event.
    In this way you will continue to feed that sense of community that will be created during the event!
  1. Invite the press at your event and make sure they speak well of it!
    In this moment of return to events, the spotlight is on this issue. There is interest in understanding how you organizers are planning the resurgence of physical events after this inevitable succession of uniquely virtual versions. Take advantage of this bullseye on your event and make sure that even after the event as many people read about your initiative through the press articles. They will be encouraged to participate in the future edition. You must already aim for this goal, albeit far in time!
    Do not focus only on the trade press, but take the initiative to also invite journalists from local newspapers to demonstrate how your event has been successful despite the difficult conditions, and has gathered local and non-local people. 
  1. Spread to the participants of the questionnaires and surveys post event.
    Data is precious, and in this case you have the opportunity to collect it in an engaging way for your visitors!
    The Letzfair application allows you to send questionnaires to all registered users, or even just to specific groups selected by you on the basis of numerous filterable criteria.
    You can send trivial satisfaction questionnaires or, as we advise you, ask questions off-screen, alongside them with coherent ironic images or memes.
    Collecting satisfaction data on the various proposed initiatives will help you understand what is really liked and what is not, and will therefore direct you to the best organizational choices for future events.
    and please don't be afraid to ask what went wrong too! Do not take negative responses personally and use constructive criticism to improve yourself and offer your participants more and more targeted content!
    Finally, if what worries you is the risk of getting few answers to surveys, encourage their compilation by giving you the right to enjoy free content for example!


These are just a few examples of post-event marketing strategies that can fuel the success of your event even after some time!
if you choose the most appropriate strategies for your target and implement them in a non-trivial way, your event will surely remain in people's minds for a long time, and they will be encouraged to participate in the next edition as well. 

As anticipated, some event applications can offer you different features to take advantage of for your post event marketing initiatives, and LetzFair is one of them!
The web platform and the App Letz Fair In fact, they allow you to collect fundamental information on the people involved in your event, and obtain fundamental marketing data.
It also allows you to send personalized surveys and questionnaires as well as offer other fun gaming possibilities, without leaving that virtual place.
You can organize online events directly from the platform and invite participants by sending emails and push notifications, making everything very simple and immediate.
And how can we not mention the opportunity to feed the sense of community through the possibility of chat and videochat, private and group ?!
In short, Letz Fair offers you many advantages related to post-event marketing, come and discover them all requesting a demo explanatory, and make the most of the potential of your event, even after some time!

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