satisfied visitors

Make your visitors happy and satisfied

Imagine: you are visiting a fair and you have so many things to see in that large exhibition space! …But as much as you are interested in the theme of the fair, the idea of ​​spending the whole day inside those walls makes you already tired. 

At this point the question arises: how can you, as the organizer of the event, make sure that the visitor is happy to spend a lot of time among the various stands of the exhibitors, without getting bored?

The solution is to focus on specific services that you can offer them, to make your visitors more happy, satisfied and eager to return to the next edition!

The world is beautiful because it is diverse: not all of us want the same services!

To understand what services your visitor may want, you must first ask yourself a fundamental question: "Who is my typical visitor?"
In fact, first of all it is important to identify your main target of visitors. Who visits your event and in what role? Based on this, the visitor will appreciate one service rather than another!

Your fair could be aimed mainly at B2B, therefore to an audience of professionals in the sector who will have to carry out their commercial duties in a sort of fictitious office, which for the occasion will be your fair. In this case, our visitor's goal will be to establish profitable relationships with other colleagues and conclude profitable deals for their company. It will certainly need space and facilities to do so.

Alternatively, your fair could be mainly dedicated to the final consumer (B2C), who comes to visit the fair because they are passionate about the theme of the fair. The consumer can be driven by a clear desire to buy, or by a simple curiosity to see what new that market offers to ordinary final consumers like him. This type of visitor will also have specific needs to better visit the exhibition space in a satisfactory way.

Finally, the last option provides that your fair is aimed equally at both business and private citizens.

What can I offer my “typical visitors” to make them happy?

After identifying who your typical visitor is, you have to put yourself in their shoes and imagine what they might want to experience asatisfying and memorable visiting experience!

If your typical visitor is a consumer may appreciate services such as ...

  • Children's area: if you have understood that the main visitor of your fair is a consumer, you can imagine that he is accompanied by his family, so a good idea is to offer an area dedicated to children, with some games with which they can have fun for a few moments. An additional possibility to offer to your visitor is that of a surveillance of the play area by dedicated people, so that parents can move easily between the pavilions, leaving the children to have fun together and without worries. An advice, in this case, is to dedicate the play activities to the theme of the fair, in order to bring even the little ones closer to your world and leave them with a memorable memory of the experience at your fair;
  • Area dedicated to dogs: the visitor, as well as the family, could be accompanied by their 4-legged friend. Another service that you could offer him in the large exhibition space is therefore to equip some dedicated areas, with bowls full of fresh water and a small space in which to move freely;
  • Area with places to sit and eat a snack or take a simple relaxing break, even in the open air, especially in the case of fairs planned for a period with a mild climate;
  • Entertainment possibilities offered by virtual games and contests themed, which involve him in the fair in a more playful way, to disconnect for a while from that physical dimension and experience it in a virtual reality.
    The latter is a solution that digital platforms for events, such as the Letzfair platform, can offer, thanks to the functionality of Gamification, to make the visit of the participants special.

If your typical visitor is a industry professional may appreciate services such as ...

  • Slightly secluded areas of the fair equipped with chairs, tables, sockets to load PCs and everything else that can be used to make work videocalls. It is in fact possible that after receiving some offers from potential suppliers exhibiting at the fair, the customer wants to discuss them with their superior. A solution of this type would therefore make the visitor satisfied who will be more inclined to return to your fair for business!
  • Dedicated information desk, which releases precise directions on how to reach the hotel where the visitor is staying, a restaurant in the area, the airport, etc.

In the event that your fair is addressed indiscriminately to a public, private or professional, you have to think about what can make him generally satisfied and relaxed in his visit.
One of the priorities for any participant is certainly the ease of understanding the exhibition spaces and of movement within them.

To meet this need you will therefore have to organize the exhibition stands in a logical and intuitive way (e.g. subdivision of halls by product category). In addition you will have to offer the visitor a service that guarantees him not to get lost, to arrive in the shortest time at his points of interest and not to waste time waiting to speak with the exhibitor.

The event platform Letzfair gives these guarantees through:

- functionality of indoor navigator, which leads the participant to the stand he wants to reach, indicating the exact route as if he were traveling on any city street in the direction of home! In addition, Letzfair's indoor navigator suggests you the shortest route to visit the different stands you are interested in. The platform will then organize your visit in order to optimize time and allow you to spend fewer hours inside the fair reaching the same results, or to visit more exhibition stands.

- functionality of integrated agendas, which allows you to make an appointment with exhibitors in a very simple way. The agenda will show the exhibitor's available time slots compatible with the visitor's availability, who will be able to book their appointment in an instant (which will be reminded to both of them with a notification).  

Then a...

By following these tips you can make the visitor understand how important it is to you that his extensive experience within the fair results enjoyable and memorable.
La platform, Letzfair, thanks to its features, including gamification, indoor navigator and integrated agendas, it helps you to satisfy your visitors and to entice them to come back, driven by the memory of the beautiful experience enriched by the services you provided them!

Come and discover these and many other features offered by Letzfair, dedicated to the participants of your event… you can't do without them!

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