Personalized experience

Personalize the participants' experience thanks to technology: here are the advantages

It's Sunday, and you want to take advantage of the fact that you don't work to go buy a new pair of shoes. So you decide to take a walk in the main street of your city in search of the pair of shoes you need.

Unfortunately, none of the shops you entered offered the product you were looking for and so you come home with a bad taste in your mouth and regret having wasted your Sunday like that. 

The sensations you would experience experiencing this situation are the same as those who might experience participants in an event who are unable to interact or even find exhibitors that are closest to their tastes or needs. 

However, there is a way to avoid all of this. It consists in using technology and, more specifically, artificial intelligence to personalize the experience of the participants and make them remember with pleasure the event they attended.

Matchmaking as a tool to personalize the participants' experience

As we said previously, thanks to artificial intelligence and data analysis it is possible to create personalized and precise interaction possibilities. 

A precise match between companies and visitors benefits both parties:

  • For the participants to the event, being matched to specific companies and receiving information on how to reach their stands or interact with them, will increase the degree of satisfaction with the experience lived. 
  • On the side of companies, on the other hand, being able to be matched with participants who fall within their target, will increase the quality of visits to their exhibition spaces. A higher quality of visits has the advantage of seeing the possibility of a higher return on investment. 

By combining the data of participants and exhibitors, collected during registration, it is possible to develop a strong matchmaking experience. This will help participants find the right partners using the criteria and filters made available by the platform. 

Do you remember the situation described at the beginning of the article? Imagine if before leaving home you had the opportunity to indicate on an application some of your characteristics and some characteristics of the product you had in mind to find. Then imagine, once you arrive in the main street of your city, to be able to see only those shops similar to the characteristics you indicated just before on the application. In such a scenario, you would most likely go to work in a new pair of shoes the next day. 

This shows how the ability to personalize the attendees' experience plays a key role in the success of an event. 

Facilitate networking opportunities

The benefits of being able to customize the attendee experience are not only useful in terms of sales, but also facilitate networking opportunities for companies and professionals.

Using a platform that offers, among its functionalities, that of being able to combine companies and professionals with similar characteristics, paves the way for the possibility of creating valuable connections and partnerships that can last a long time even once the event is over. .   

Letz Fair it allows you, among its many features, to personalize the experience of the participants in your event. You can get exhibitors to increase their sales chances or expand their business opportunities by requesting a demo. 

Boost networking at your event

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