
Dear exhibitor, are you ready to go again?

Finally here we go again, even the exhibition sector can restart, but are you ready to restart?

What a desire to return to those intense days, stressful yes, but also very satisfying and stimulating.

What a desire to go back to having new meetings, exchanges of ideas, lessons to treasure, comparisons with the best.

What a desire to return to savor that normality of which we have long been deprived.

But will I still be up to it? How many competitors will have had to give up and how many will I meet again?

Will visitors find me? Will visitors notice me? Will it be casual encounters or will there be a follow up? Will I be able to get appointments? Will I be able to grow and take care of my community?

What a desire to leave but how many worries!

Exhibitors need proof of the ROI of their event, they need to curate the event not only during but also before and after and they need to have effective control and management.

This requires more than the sale of stands and square meters within a pavilion.

Here then 4 actions that can be easily implemented with the platform Letzfair, to come to the aid of exhibitors. 

  1. Increase their visibility by capturing the attention of attendees via push notifications
  2. Cultivate quality networking by guaranteeing valuable partnerships and follow-up, thus accelerating your business thanks to an AI-based matching system
  3. Help visitors plan their day without stress and guide them to their stand via an Indoor Navigation system
  4. Profile participants, conduct targeted marketing campaigns and measure success by collecting data and feedback

Exhibitors are the fuel of our fairs; let's make his life a lot easier!

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